Showing posts with label DB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DB. Show all posts

Friday, August 21, 2009

Merger Madness & One Sample App To Rule Them All

VMware --- SpringSource --- /---G2One
Terracotta --- Ehcache
Oracle --- Sun

With all the mergers and acquisitions happening in the Java world, I thought I'd suggest a sample app someone could build to bring them all together.

Here it is: a Grails app using an Oracle DB with distributed caching provided by Terracotta and Ehcache, all running in a VMware cloud, with deployment and management handled by CloudFoundry.  I think that covers all the bases.  I have no idea what it will do yet, but let me know if I've missed anything. :)

Note: I actually have a lot of respect for all the technologies and people involved, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the recent consolidation!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Interruptible JDBC Statements

I work for a client on a product that makes direct queries against databases via JDBC. A while ago, I added some code so that a user could stop the execution of a series of queries by clicking on a cancel button. Behind the scenes, it interrupts the thread executing the queries. Since that thread checks whether it's been interrupted by calling Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() before starting to execute each query, no new queries will start once the cancel button was pushed. However, any query that's already started will run to completion before the code discovers that a request to cancel had been made. Recently, my client decided that we should make cancellation more granular and add the ability to stop a query in mid-stream. Looking at the JDBC docs, there's nothing to indicate that any of the relevant methods respond to interrupts (none throw InterruptedExceptions or claim to wrap them in a SQLException), so I had to come up with another way. I settled on an approach where I submit the query as a Callable to an ExecutorService and then block, waiting for the result via Future.get(). If the thread is interrupted while we're waiting, get() throws an InterruptedException, which gives us the chance to call Statement.cancel(). It's pretty simple and works nicely. :)
Here's the code in a somewhat abridged/condensed form (I create the ExecutorService elsewhere using Executors.newCachedThreadPool()):
final String sql = "...<some SQL>...";
final Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
Future<ResultSet> queryFuture =
 execService.submit(new Callable<ResultSet>() {
   public ResultSet call() throws Exception {
     return statement.getResultSet();

ResultSet rs;
try {
 rs = queryFuture.get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {"Query interrupted - calling Statement.cancel()");
 throw e;
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
 //code to handle or rethrow the exception
By the way, if any of the java.util.concurrent classes above are unfamiliar to you, I highly recommend Java Concurrency in Practice by Brian Goetz (et al.). It's an excellent book.