Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts

Saturday, September 19, 2009

JavaScript Date Library Advice?

I've been doing some work recently with the Google Maps API, something I'll try to describe in a future post.  While doing that work, I've realized that I need (or would at least find very handy) a JavaScript library that provides more sophisticated date/time support than the standard JavaScript Date.  Searches have led me to two libraries which look plausible.  Datejs takes the approach of ornamenting the existing Date class with numerous additional functions.  I really like the coding style demonstrated in their tutorial, which is a point in their favor.  In contrast, Fleegix provides a Date class independent from, but interface-compatible with the standard Date (yay for duck-typing!).  They clearly view timezone support as critical for Dates, which I'm very happy to see, since dealing with them and daylight/standard time can be a real pain.  So, from a functional standpoint, both libraries look pretty strong.  I'm concerned that they're not particularly active, neither having any check-ins in 2009, but perhaps it's because they've been around for a while and work well already.  I can't say I found this discussion in the Datejs group very encouraging. :(

Any thoughts?  Anyone out there used either of these libraries or another one they'd recommend?

Update (May 26 2010): I just looked again at Fleegix and have some excellent news!  The projects are now hosted on GitHub and the timezone-js project has some updates from April of this year.  I'll have to give it a closer look soon.