Saturday, June 27, 2009

Embedded Groovy as an Application Extension Language

I recently worked with my client to add an extension mechanism (in this case, a very simple plug-in system) to their intranet Java web application.  It's initially meant for use by professional services staff and possibly other advanced users in the future.  Our first thought was to go with JavaScript via the Java Scripting API, since that pair of technologies was already in use elsewhere in the system for simple filtering expressions (e.g., "value > 10 && value < 100").  I wrote a few examples and discovered that the code quickly became a weird hybrid of Java and JavaScript that was very hard to read. ("Is that a Java String or a JavaScript String?…")  After a brief conversation with my client, we decided to instead go with Groovy for several reasons.  We can keep the code around as Strings for now, but easily compile it to class files later if our needs change.  Groovy's integration with Java is excellent and easy to understand.  If the user knows Java, but isn't comfortable with Groovy's many cool features, he or she can write normal Java (except for inner classes) and have it interpreted/compiled as Groovy.  What follows is a description of how I set it up.  Please let me know what you think of this approach, especially if you can suggest a way to improve it.

Each extension is a Groovy class extending a Java abstract adapter class that provides default implementations of all but one of the methods in a Java interface (ScriptingInterface).  The Java code used to load the extension gets a GroovyClassLoader using the following code:

GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());

I use the following code to get the relevant class and instantiate it via its no-arg constructor, catching the (entertainingly-named) MultipleCompilationErrorsException along with several other exceptions:

String code = "<Groovy>"; 
Class<? extends ScriptingInterface> clazz = loader.parseClass(code); 
ScriptingInterface script = clazz.newInstance();

Does that sound like a reasonable way to do it?  It definitely works, but I'm not sure it's the best way.

Update: Ack!  For some reason, my Blogger settings changed from "New Posts Have Comments" to "New Posts Do Not Have Comments" through no action of my own!  While I try to figure out how to fix it (now that this post is no longer new), you can add any comments to this post's listing on DZone.

Update2: Problem fixed.  It turned out to be possible to turn on comments for a single post via the Blogger post editor.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Boston Grails Users' Group!

Last night, I watched an interview with Dave Klein done by Scott Davis of ThirstyHead at JavaOne 2009, in which they discussed Dave's upcoming book, Grails: A Quick-Start Guide. At the end of the interview, Dave mentioned that one of his kids had put together a site called, which helps people find and start Groovy/Grails user groups. I visited the site and was very excited to see that Boston has a newly formed group and that their first meeting is on Thursday! I have a conflict, but this is important enough that I plan to drop my original commitment to attend. See you there!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

FogBugzReporter: Introduction

This is the first post in what I plan to be a series about a small application named FogBugzReporter that I began writing in October of 2007.  I'd recently started using the on demand edition of FogBugz from Fog Creek Software to track my time spent consulting and was disappointed to discover that it had no direct way for me to generate time reports.  Fortunately, I discovered that along with the web UI, FogBugz also had a pseudo-REST API for interacting with the application (I say "pseudo-REST" because almost all operations can be performed with HTTP GETs, including ones that change state on the server).  I read the API docs, quickly wrote a simple Swing application in Java, and made it available to the rest of the FogBugz community.  Soon after, I started experimenting with Groovy and realized that porting the app would be a nice way to get some experience with the language, including SwingBuilder and the great APIs for processing XML.  I did that and eventually moved the code from a private Subversion repository to one on Google Code under an Apache license.  Until a few days ago, it sat for the most part unchanged.  In the meantime, my Groovy skills have improved a bit (I'm still no expert), the language has evolved, and the technologies around it have grown.  In this series, I plan to gradually bring the application up-to-date and polish up the code.  I'll update this posting with links to the other posts in the series as I write them.


Planned Posts:

  • FogBugzReporter and Griffon
  • Suggestions?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

AWS Elastic MapReduce Webinar @Noon ET on May 28

Amazon's new Elastic MapReduce service makes it easier to run Map/Reduce jobs within EC2. If that sounds interesting, you can find out more about it by registering and "attending" the webinar they're holding on Thursday, May 28 at Noon ET. I'll be there, in a virtual sense. :)