Showing posts with label event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label event. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

MorphLabs, the Meta-Cloud Vendor?

Fascinating!  I just got an email from G2iX, the parent company of MorphLabs, inviting me to a webinar (Wed, Dec. 9, 2009 from 11AM - 12PM PST) in which they plan to demonstrate how to "Morph your Data Center into a Cloud Vendor":

Traditional data center and co-location vendors are under tremendous threat in the face of Amazon EC2 and related Web Services, and those providers who’re unable to adapt to some sort of cloud computing model face extinction as competing Infrastructure as a Service products become even more prevalent.

This webinar will demonstrate how the Morph Cloud Computing Platform can help regional data centers transform their business using their existing assets with minimal cost and hardware investments so that they can provide a cutting edge cloud solution to a broader customer base with rates that are more than competitive while still maintaining great profit margin.

For those who are unfamiliar with the company, MorphLabs provides a hosting platform that runs on top of Amazon's EC2 web service.  So, assuming I'm not mistaken, G2iX plans to help data centers other than Amazon's set up the Morph platform to run on their own servers.  My first thought was, "Why would they do that?  Won't this just create competition for MorphLabs?!"  However, once I mulled it over, I realized that if they structure things right, it could be quite beneficial to MorphLabs.  What if these Morph platform deployments simply became new pools of servers to which Morph apps could be deployed?  Viewed that way, it actually sounds quite clever.  I'm almost tempted to attend the webinar, even though it has no direct relevance to me. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Attending SpringOne 2GX in October!

After much thought, I finally decided last night to register for the SpringOne 2GX conference running from October 19 through 22 in New Orleans.  The deadline for the super-early bird pricing is this Friday (July 31), so I thought I should make my decision.  I've been to talks on Groovy and Grails at NFJS and JavaOne, but I'm really looking forward to an entire conference devoted to those topics.  I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Boston Grails Users' Group!

Last night, I watched an interview with Dave Klein done by Scott Davis of ThirstyHead at JavaOne 2009, in which they discussed Dave's upcoming book, Grails: A Quick-Start Guide. At the end of the interview, Dave mentioned that one of his kids had put together a site called, which helps people find and start Groovy/Grails user groups. I visited the site and was very excited to see that Boston has a newly formed group and that their first meeting is on Thursday! I have a conflict, but this is important enough that I plan to drop my original commitment to attend. See you there!